Welcome to the Godsey Family website! This is the web site for the Godsey family descended from Keith Foster Godsey and Leah Placida Arnold. However, there is a lot of genealogical information that will apply to many other Godseys. Please send any information, comments, questions, pictures, etc to tgrubb AT godsey.org Godsey Family, Arnold's And Jean's Falls Church House NewsOctober 18th, 2009 - No Mailing List It turns out my new web hosting company does not provide mailing list software out of the box. I would have to install 3rd party software. Since the mailing list was underused, for now, I am just going to drop the feature. If you have comments about this, please let me know at tgrubb AT godsey.org October 18th, 2009 - No guest book or Mailing List The guest book and mailing list are gone. :-( When GISOL locked me out of the account, I was unable to access the guest book files or mailing list on the server to copy them here. I may add another guest book at a future point but for now, sorry, no guest book. The mailing list should be available to subscribe to soon. October 17th, 2009 Sorry for the downtime the last few days. My (former) web hosting provider, Global Internet Solutions (GISOL), suspended my account without warning Wednesday night in an attempt to coerce me into "upgrading" to a more expensive solution. I'll spare you the gory details, but I have a new provider now - hopefully much better and more reputable. If you are in the market for a web hosting provider, avoid GISOL at all costs - they are crooks (see www.report-gisol.com for more details of things they do). Also, if you have sent me email and I haven't replied, I am really sorry. I now have my own addition to the Godsey tree, and time has become infinitely precious. On top of that, what with the web site troubles and other computer problems, I have been overwhelmed. I will try to reply soon. |
Send mail to tgrubb AT godsey.org with
questions or comments about this web site. |