In the future, this page will contain video clips either
showing, or about, our family. If you have
any questions, comments, stories, or videos of your own you want to submit,
please send an email to
Note that the videos are part of the
protected area of the web site (for family members only). You will not be
able to see the videos without username and password. To get the user name
and password, send me an email at
If you have difficulty viewing the videos, try right-clicking
on a link and Save as... to your local directory and then view it in Windows

For Christmas, 1999, I created a video about the Godsey family,
specifically Keith Foster Godsey and Leah Placida Arnold. For the video, I
interviewed Keith Foster Godsey, Jr (their eldest son) and Margery Ann Godsey
Grubb (one of the daughters). When I get a bigger web server, there will
be more clips.
Here are some short clips from the interview of Keith Foster
Godsey, Jr.:

Videos/A treat when Mom shared candybar with Keith 045proc.avi
Videos/Arnold & Jack vs Keith & Dick 048proc.avi
Videos/Arnold Born May 23, 1921 047proc.avi
Videos/Arnold, Dick Ladies Men 055proc.avi
Videos/Billy Goat hauled lots of kids 030proc.avi
Videos/Buckets of water 031proc.avi
Videos/Call me Junior or June 001proc.avi
Videos/Cumberland 2 acres, quite a large garden 009proc.avi
Videos/Cumberland Main St a Dirt Rd 007proc.avi
Videos/Cumberland, small school, Keith graduate with 13 025proc.avi
Videos/Good parents, didn't have any money 043proc.avi
Videos/Hide and go seek 013proc.avi
Videos/Keith got along with all the sisters 068proc.avi
Videos/Keith not man around house, mom was 046proc.avi
Videos/Kitt easy going, except for school 062proc.avi
Videos/Kitt sneaking out 027proc.avi
Videos/Kitt was called Katty 059proc.avi
Videos/Kitt's Name 058proc.avi
Videos/Lucky, Family Behind us & Coming After Us 071proc.avi
Videos/Marge soft hearted, let things bother her 064proc.avi
Videos/Mom 6 at dad's death 003proc.avi
Videos/Mom and Dad go to dances 040proc.avi
Videos/Mom shot the shotgun, prob didn't like itproc.avi
Videos/Momma's dad died of TB 002proc.avi
Videos/Wooden Diving Board for the watering hole 017proc.avi